On August 1st Army Day, pay tribute to all Chinese soldiers!

On August 1st Army Day, pay tribute to all Chinese soldiers!
Aug 01, 2024

Today, the PLA celebrates its 97th birthday. On this special day, all employees of Qingdao Zhenxiong Machinery pay high respect to all soldiers!

Inheriting the spirit of August 1st and consolidating the strength of progress. In the more than 20 years of development of Zhenxiong Machinery, the "August 1st Spirit" has always been deeply integrated into all aspects of production and operation, uniting and cooperating to ensure production, daring to strive for excellence, technological breakthroughs and innovation, and equipment quality that is "as tough as steel".

In the future, we will continue to draw on this magnificent spiritual power, continuously enhance our core competitiveness, provide competitive products and solutions for customers and partners, and help customers reduce costs, increase efficiency, and innovate for development.


